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Total Records Found: 38, showing 60 per page
Club NameCountyShort List of Activities
Lisburn & District DTC Antrim NORTHERN IRELAND KC Good Citizen Pet Obedience Fun Agility Competition Obedience & Competition Agility
Wygulmut Competitive Obedience Training Berkshire ENGLAND 121 Competition Obedience Training & Coaching
Inca Dog Training & Communication Buckinghamshire ENGLAND Puppy Training & pet training courses. Kennel Club Good Citizen occasionally. Fun Pet Obedience
Canine Connect Dog Training Buckinghamshire ENGLAND Puppy Training, Pet Obedience, Behavioural and Confidence Building, Competitive Obedience Training
Chesvale Dog Training Club Buckinghamshire ENGLAND Kennel Club Registered Club on the Herts/Bucks border. Competitive obedience training for all levels. Kennel Club Good Citizens tests Bronze to Gold. Pet dog training from puppies to adults and rescue dogs.
Precisionk9 Derbyshire ENGLAND Competition obedience and pet obedience. Behavioural modification specialists.
Jarys Dog Training Club Durham ENGLAND Puppy to. Competive training
Newton Aycliffe Dog Training Club Durham ENGLAND Life-skills, Kennel Club Good Citizen, Competitive Obedience, Tricks, Outdoor life-skills
St Edwards Dog Training Club Greater London ENGLAND Competitive obedience all levels, Pet training - Puppy & Improver courses, Good Citizens
Eastleigh and District Dog Training Club Hampshire ENGLAND 6 week Starters/puppy course; Pet obedience; KCGCDS Foundation, Bronze, Silver, Gold ; Competition Obedience
Diamond K9 dog club Hampshire ENGLAND Puppy training, rally obedience and competitive obedience
Daytime Dog Training Club Hampshire ENGLAND Basic Obedience(Pets) to Competition
Grateley Dog Training Club GCDDS Hampshire ENGLAND GCDS Puppy to Gold
Winchester City Dog Training Club Hampshire ENGLAND Kennel Club Registered Club. Competition Obedience, & Rally training, at all levels; Introductory to Test C, from 6 months of age.
New Forest Dog Training Academy Hampshire ENGLAND Kennel Club Registered Club. KCGC Puppy, Bronze, Silver and Gold.1-2-1 Training
Dodgin dog club Herefordshire ENGLAND Puppy to competitive obedience training
Keystar Dog Training Kent ENGLAND Puppy classes, KCGCDS up to competition obedience
North West Kent Dog Training Club Kent ENGLAND KC Puppy Foundation & Good Citizen Award Bronze to Gold plus competition obedience, newcomers to Ticket
Culverstone Dog Training Club Kent ENGLAND KC Puppy Foundation, KC Good Citizen Bronze Award, Competition Obedience.
Community Dog Training Lanarkshire SCOTLAND Kennel Club Puppy Foundation, Kennel Club Good Citizen Awards and Competitive Obedience Classes
Louth and District Dog Training Club (KC reg since 2005) Lincolnshire ENGLAND Good Citizen up to Gold, Agility, Heelwork to Music and of course Obedience
Calanhaf Dog Training Mid Glamorgan WALES Obedience, Rally, Good Citizen Dog Scheme
Great Yarmouth Dog Training Club Norfolk ENGLAND Pet and competitive obedience, KCGC
Diss & Harleston Dog Training Club Norfolk ENGLAND Pet and Competitive Obedience Training, Good Citizens Tests
ST. MARY'S DTS Northumberland ENGLAND Competitive obedience
Notts K9 Nottinghamshire ENGLAND IGP, 121 Puppy and Adult Dogs Training, Obedience Classes, Behavioural Problems Including Reactivity and Agression, Competitive Obedience Training
German Shepherd Dog Club Of Wales South Glamorgan WALES Bronze, Silver, Gold Good Citizens, Competitive Obedience
BAGSD Reigate Branch (British Assoc. for German Shepherd Dogs Surrey ENGLAND Obedience - all level pet to competition and some agility
Warlingham Dog Training Club Surrey ENGLAND Kennel club good citizen all levels, tricks, agility, ringcraft and competitive obedience
Cleverpaws dog training Surrey ENGLAND Pet obedience to KC competition obedience. Group training and one to one training available
Surrey Dog Training Society Obedience Section Surrey ENGLAND Competition Obedience, KC Good Citizens classes, Puppy Foundation classes
Sussex Obedience Group Sussex ENGLAND Kennel Club Competition level Obedience 1 to 1 & Group Training Intro to Ticket
Coriecollies Dog Training Club Sussex ENGLAND K.C Good citizens puppy bronze, silver Gold. Ringcraft. Competitive Obedience, training for ring stewarding in obedience all classes.
Coventry DTC West Midlands ENGLAND Good citizen (all levels), plus Competitive Obedience individuals
Solihull DTC West Midlands ENGLAND Obedience - Ltd availability, occasional GCDTS testing, run open and champ Obeduence shows
Wolverhampton Dog Training Society West Midlands ENGLAND Competitive Obedience
Wysemarque training Wiltshire ENGLAND 121 competition obedience training
Itsjaro dog club Worcestershire ENGLAND competition obedience

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